Scythes Inc.

Scythes Inc.

128 Sterling Rd.


ON M6R 2B7


Phone: 416-535-1151

Today Scythes consists of five business units: 1-Flying Colours International: One of North America's large manufacturers & distributors of custom banners & flags. 2-Fifth Season Shade Products: Representing the #1 selling brand of retractable awnings in Canada, along with a wide range of top brand names in acrylic fabrics. 3-Longdon Corporation: Manufacturing & distributing a large variety of knitted & neoprene support products for the medical & sports markets. Also a commission manufacturer for other well known support suppliers in North America. 4-Scythes Textile Finishing Services: We offer custom dying & printing, fire retardancy, water repellenacy & numerous other fabric coatings. 5-Scythes Industrial Textiles: A major distributor since 1910 of a wide range of industrial & commercial roll goods.